
Reflexology - feet or hands (1 Hour)£30

A Reflexology treatment lasts 1 hour and includes a consultation to ensure that it is safe to have the treatment. Certain medical conditions require the permission of a GP before a treatment can be done, other conditions may require the treatment to be adapted and in some cases it may not be appropriate to proceed with the treatment. During the consultation, a detailed account is taken of any medical conditions and what you wish to achieve from the treatment, and a treatment plan is put into place. Aftercare advice is provided.

A warm up routine is done on the feet (or hands) then the therapist’s thumbs and fingers are used to stimulate the feet on the right foot (or hand) first and then the left foot (or hand). Lymphatic drainage and a massage complete the routine.

By working on the reflex points of the feet or hands, any organ, function or body part that is tense, congested or damaged as a result of accident, injury or illness can be stimulated through the nerve pathways. Breaking down the tension helps the system to eliminate toxins when necessary, reduces pain quite dramatically and encourages the body to heal itself.

Reflexology may help with the following conditions:

  • Digestion problems
  • Respiratory problems
  • Regulating the menstrual cycle
  • Sub-fertility issues
  • Sleep problems
  • Stress
  • General fatigue
  • Back pain
  • Menopausal symptoms
  • Controlling blood pressure
  • Headaches

The reflexology that is provided at Ashdale Holistic Therapies is the usual treatment routine which is further enhanced with advanced techniques to get more effective results. Reflexology can be carried out on the feet or hands whichever is the preferred option.

Aftercare Advice

Because the treatment is detoxifying if you follow this advice for 24 hours after the treatment, this will help flush the system of toxins and enhance the benefits of the treatment:

  • Drink lots of water or herbal tea.
  • Avoid drinks with caffeine.
  • Eat a light meal.
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol.
  • Rest and relax.

Contact me

07738 716870
54 Saltwell Road South
Low Fell
Tyne and Wear